Sunday, February 10, 2008

YAY! We're finally here!

Hey everyone!

It's me, Emma!

We're staying at the Disneyland Hotel through next Saturday.

My Dad, Ryan, is here on conference, and took me, Drew and Mom along with him.

Leave us a message in the comments, below.

Keep checking back for updates on our Magical Week!


Anonymous said...

Hi Emma, Momma, AJ, and Ryan. I'm so glad you got there and you are going to be so busy you will probably not have time to read this. Geoff and I are gettimg ready to go back to for bragg. We picked a truck load of oranges and grapefruit. It was a very good year and the oranges are as big as grapefuits. I will stop in stockton tomorrow night anad then, go the rerst of the way tuesday morning. I start work when I get home after a bit of sleep. I hope i didn't forget how to work. I forgot how to get out of bed early. Have fun and sleep tight tonight. Love Grandmacordy and Geoff

Capt. Buhne said...

Fresno grapefruits -- Yum!

Me and mom just went out to watch the fireworks, and dad is staying behind to blog...

I *love* Disneyland!
